Monday 23 April 2012

Ready to Go

Things have been pretty hectic over the last couple of days since finishing work. Packing for 8 months of non-urban, independent travel is nearly as hard as it sounds, especially with two little rug rats. Lots of food, clothes, kids entertainment, more food, etc. Is it wrong that under the kids car seats provide sensational hidey holes for bottles of wine as well????

We were pretty much ok to leave today (Tuesday), but couldn’t leave without seeing out friends Gabby and Brett’s new baby, Blake. Planning to see them today!!!

From home, planning to head towards Glenn’s Mum and Dad’s in Turross Head, with a couple of nights stop over and taking a breath in Marlo, near Orbost (East Victoria).

Given Melbourne’s top temperature today is something like 15 degrees, it’s definitely time to scoot.....

1 comment:

  1. Have a great trip. Hopefully will catch up along the track somewhere. Real coffee - v jealous, can never find room for the espresso machine :)
